Just give a credit to the author (me)
and please do not use poem as part of an event that exploits animals or humans.
Then perform this poem to rapturous crowds. Then, post to you tube.
Two versions of this multi-voice poem
are given very different interpretations by the two different acting and poetry
groups below.
Many Voices (a multi-voice poem)
Author Ashby McGowan
Performed by
Kelsey Amelotte,
Ainslie De Sousa,
Jamie Lester,
Zunaira Munir, and
Manon van Mil
Queen's University, Faculty of Education
Kingston, ON, Canada,
Many Voices Poem
Produced by Rachel Jury (Artistic Director conFAB)
Written by: Ashby McGowan
Acting Director: Iwona
Film Director: Pete Hastie
Ashby McGowan
Berta Cussó
Jessica Phillippi
Miriam Sarah Doren
Robert Przekwas
Many voices POEM written by Ashby McGowan (Timed at 2 minutes and 20 seconds.)
Any acting or poetry groups are welcome to use and post to You Tube (just a credit to the author and please not used for any event exploiting animals or humans).
Postings at: http://youtube/ym3r-Rh4w5M
And at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpLCnGoNsKs
The poem is multi-voice so lines at the same height get read at the same time. If there are dots it means that there are words not spoken-I use this when someone carries on speaking the final parts of someone else’s words.
Performers have to sometimes complement the other performers’ words but they sometimes have to “fight” for their own words. See the multi-voice film on you tube.
Timing needs to be exact or the poem doesn’t work. Lots of rehearsal needed. Exact timing comes with lots of rehearsal. The most difficult part of the poem is when someone carries on speaking words spoken by someone else. This looks great (for an audience) but is very difficult to do and cannot be rehearsed on one’s own. It is useful to have a Director to direct the actors or poets. Try to make the film as good quality as possible.
Usually, all performers face front and do not look to each other for cues-but use your imagination.
Audiences appreciate the difficulty of the multi-voice. (Hopefully they go, “Wow!”)
The third part (Destiny) is basically a single voice poem with four other voices supporting the rhythm. There is a slight pause between the last two lines of the Destiny part.
Any acting or poetry groups are welcome to use and post to You Tube (just a credit to the author and please not used for any event exploiting animals or humans).
Postings at: http://youtube/ym3r-Rh4w5M
And at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpLCnGoNsKs
The poem is multi-voice so lines at the same height get read at the same time. If there are dots it means that there are words not spoken-I use this when someone carries on speaking the final parts of someone else’s words.
Performers have to sometimes complement the other performers’ words but they sometimes have to “fight” for their own words. See the multi-voice film on you tube.
Timing needs to be exact or the poem doesn’t work. Lots of rehearsal needed. Exact timing comes with lots of rehearsal. The most difficult part of the poem is when someone carries on speaking words spoken by someone else. This looks great (for an audience) but is very difficult to do and cannot be rehearsed on one’s own. It is useful to have a Director to direct the actors or poets. Try to make the film as good quality as possible.
Usually, all performers face front and do not look to each other for cues-but use your imagination.
Audiences appreciate the difficulty of the multi-voice. (Hopefully they go, “Wow!”)
The third part (Destiny) is basically a single voice poem with four other voices supporting the rhythm. There is a slight pause between the last two lines of the Destiny part.