There are a few reasons why you use a web editor to write material for your website and don't rely on using an ordinary text package like Microsoft Word. As one example, a package like Word will place its own formatting onto your writing which can mess up things when you go to insert it into your website. If you have to use Word then Save As "Rich Text" (which will get rid of some of the formatting you don't want) before you Paste it into your site. Some people paste their Word writings into a Web Editor and then paste that into their website. I am writing as a beginner in html and I feel that is still a useful viewpoint to write from e.g. I genuinely know the difficulties that other beginners suffer in getting their writings published onto their website. As regards multi-voice poetry, there seems to be two ways of adding your writings to your website. One is to use preformatted text tags and monospace fonts. The other is to use html and possibly CSS and make up from two to six columns of text (using Div tags). You can cut and paste the html structure from one of my previous articles in WordPress. If you are good at html and CSS then you can probably make up the html structure yourself. The html would be written in an html editor. As would the preformatted text tag variant. HTML does not recognise more than one white space at a time. It does not recognise more than one line break at a time. It does not wrap text to the next line when you come to the end of a line. And it doesn't recognise tabs. Using preformatted Text: When you use the preformatted text tag before a piece of writing and a end preformatted text tag after the end, then you will have a piece of writing where all the white spaces and line breaks are kept. You need to use a mono spaced Font because ordinary Fonts have different widths for different letters and for different punctuation. If you use a monospaced Font every space, letter, and punctuation mark will be the same width. This is what you need. Courier is not an attractive font and I use Lucida Console (which I am using just now). But there are many monospaced fonts to choose from (Including a Courier New, and Andalel Mono). So you would use-
<p><!DOCTYPE html></p>
<p>your text here</p>
Another difficulty -for me- with using code is that I am doing two things with my multi-voice websites. The first is to show my multi-voice poems to you. The second is to teach you how to place your own multi-voice poems onto your own website. Here I show you the code that I use to prepare my poems for my site. However, putting code onto a site means the site tries to turn the code into a poem. To stop this and let you see the code behind the poem-the code has to be "wrapped" in a particular type of protective code that will stop it being changed from html (or CSS).
When downloading a web editor make sure you do so from a trusted site. I have used the first Notepad (version 1) but found it not at all user friendly. I usually use Microsoft Expression Web 4. This is user friendly and gives you an Edit html mode and a Design mode (which shows you what it thinks a Browser will display). There is also a Preview Browser mode which allows you to take the code into a browser to check it more accurately than in Design mode. I believe that this package is now free for Download. Dreamweaver is the best known web editor package. It is similar in aims to Microsoft Expression Web 4. I have not tried it and cannot comment on it. It is not free. To try out other packages (to know which to recommend), I Googled "freeware web editor" and "free html editor". I got about thirty names. Most were not free and were only on limited trial offer. Some of those that remained are partial versions of full price packages (which obviously the makers want you to buy). I never downloaded any that were for expert web Developers. I tried out these eleven that were free and that I could easily download (I had trouble downloading some others but that may have simply been my lack of expertise): NoteTab Light, Website X5 Free, PageBreeze 5, Lauyan TOWeb V6, TextMorph28, WDL Website Builder 4, Notepad2, Alleycode HTML Editor, Blue Griffon, Coffee Cup Free HTML Editor, and EditPad Lite 7 (I wrote the main part of the article using EditPad Lite 7,than pasted this into CoffeeCup Free html editor to re-do in html). It is worth at least trying out a Free Text Editor instead of using Microsoft Word. Here is a beginner's guide to five free Text Editors designed for writing for the Web (I could not say that any were, excellent): Edit Pad lite 7: Very basic. Has a preview in browser mode (but no html mode). You write text that goes straight into your website. There is no spell check though. Text Morph: Very basic. Can also show HTML in html VIEW mode. But you cannot edit the html. Text goes straight into your website. Not user friendly. Note Tab light: Very basic. Not user friendly. Lauyan TOWEB: Is a text editor but is mainly for making complete websites. Worth trying if you are hosting your site as well as writing for it. Not for me. Incomedia Website X5 Free: A text editor as part of a build an entire website package. Extremely basic. Not for me.
Here are six html editors. I recommend that you if at all possible try to learn how to use an html editor! A few seem excellent but need to be tried out by you: Notpad 2: Not user friendly. Not for me. I think this is aimed at experts. Pagebreeze 5: Looks good. Has a visual WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) view and html editor. Also has a preview browser view. Blue Griffon: Looks good. Has a WYSIWYG view mode and an html editor Coffee Cup Free HTML Editor: Looks good. Has a split preview mode (to see html code and WYSIWYG). Can preview in browser. WDL Website builder 4: Looks good. Has an html code view and a WYSIWYG view. Has a preview in browser view. Alleycode HTML Editor: Looks ok. A bit basic. Has a split preview mode (to see html code and WYSIWYG). Also has a preview browser view. When I first started to try putting multi-voice poetry into my WordPress site I tried the Visual Editor and used Microsoft Word as a text editor. This took a great deal of time and was never completely accurate. Eventually my WordPress site could take up to four columns using html coding given in a previous article on my WordPress site. But WordPress could not cope with five or six columns where the text was very small. My Blogger website has only once failed to correctly take the html I have entered into that site. I recommend that you pick one of the four best HTML free editors mentioned above. Get to know how to use it. You might even enjoy using it. I use WordPress and Blogger for my multi-voice writings. WordPress does not seem to suit all types of multi-voice. Also, I have read (on a poetry blog) that Blogger may be on the way out. I hope this is not so! But it means that I have had to look for another free website host. Blogger has no ads. So far I have had few ads on WordPress. I couldn't find a new website without the possibility of ads being there at some point. Again, a couple of times I had thought I had found a free website host only for my account to change from Free to Premium (paid) meaning I had to cancel that site. The most suitable free site looks good though. I have started a multi-voice site on, Yola. It is Free and you have a Free mark on your site which is good. I will keep you updated. My Yola site is:
Addendum. To give you an idea of the difficulties you get doing simple things in html (not trying to put you off using it though!) I know that different browsers react differently to the same bit of html. In the above article I used the correct html to "wrap" the source code of a bit of html I wanted to show you. This is a very basic thing. It worked fine in Yola. I found that using WordPress, I had to change the "wrapping" code. I needed to search Forum's in WordPress to find out how to do this. If I can get it working, I will use it in my WordPress site.
In Blogger, the "wrapping" code did not work at all. There is a fix but it seems very difficult. If I can get it working I will use it on my Blogger site.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Thursday, 16 July 2015
The performance poem AMNESTY, is meant to be read aloud by six people.
Each verse commences when the person reading that verse knows the previous speaker
is about to speak the trigger phrase, which is in italics at the end of the previous verse
(both people read the trigger phrase at the same time).
The readings should pass through the group and then back to the beginning (I will)
to then pass through another cycle (two cycles should be enough to avoid reader and audience fatigue).
Titles of each verse can be carried by the speaker on A3 card. Speakers on the left (of the page) dressed in white.
“Figure in Black” and “Prisoner” do read at the same time: it is meant to be a bit chaotic. AMNESTY [Amnesty Member] I will do what I can do For you bear more than you can take. I will hold a candle for you, Like a star, high in the sky [Prisoner] [Figure in Black] High in the sky, yet caught in the bars, High in the sky, and under the sea, A waxing moon bleeds cold light through the damp air Death comes to all, no one is free Splashes of white fall on my hands, light up my chair, And guns have a price, you can buy them from me And the tight-clenched page, with the words that you wrote [Condemned to Die] The words that you wrote, are prayers filled with hope But my future, “they” tell me, is tied up with rope. A chance to forgive, a chance to cry And no one to judge, and no one to die [Victim of Domestic Abuse] And no one to die, a chance to be free Not a wife, not a lover, a chance to be me To walk down the street and no-one stares In this world of dreams there is someone who cares [Child Soldier] Someone who cares, reaches out through the night When I shake and I turn on the light. I will let the bad dreams end, For I have, at last, found a friend.
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
To write multi-voice poetry for your website you have to –in my opinion – write it in html. It has been almost impossible for me to get the words in a complicated multi-voice poem to fit where I want it to without using html to put everything exactly where I want it.
Having said the above I have yet to read a book on html
which deals with putting complicated text onto a hosted site (like WordPress or
Blogger). I am a beginner at html but I do know that html does not in practise
always do what you think it is going to do. Browsers, limited screen size, and
the theme of your site may change what html wants to say. I have read 20 books
on html, CSS, and on building websites but I am genuinely a total beginner. Web
books seem to either spend all their time taking you on a tour of pretty website
themes. Or they go in the other direction and talk about writing up your own
websites from scratch. There is none I have read that I can recommend.
When you cut and paste your code your site does not see
white space or page breaks or tabs. That is why you have to mark everything
with tags in html.
To get your html seen by people. You have to firstly write
it in your editor. Notepad is free and comes in two different versions. I use
Microsoft Expression Web 4 which you pay for but it is excellent. Whatever
editor you pick (and there are a few) you need to stick to it to get to know
it. You secondly have to get your html to work on your website. Thirdly you
have to have it translated (I think that is a fair word to use) by a browser. Then
lastly it gets displayed on a screen (which could be any size).
The Infiword WordPress theme is free and is said to be html
friendly. It is produced by the Zurb
Foundation. It also does a wide screen format. I have asked Infiword for more
information re its suitability for multi-voice poetry.
I quite often tour sites looking for a theme with a wide
screen. I am still looking for a free one that can take CSS in a
poetry post without causing conflicts.
I have also tried putting html only (no CSS) poetry onto my
WordPress site but even then it does not always work. I have spent an awful lot
of time looking at different themes and at suggestions for different themes.
None of which have worked for me. I have looked at WordPress forums and help
websites but none deal with what I am trying to do i.e. put lots of html coded
columns into a post (or if they do, I have tried them and they don’t work).
To try and get up to six columns of text on a page you
usually need width. So, find a theme
that allows you full width of the screen.
Luckily monitors are wider than they are taller. This helps.
They are landscape mode. When I write most multi-voice poems I have the page
set to landscape mode instead of portrait mode. I write my first version in
Microsoft Word. But if I am pasting into an editor for eventually posting on my
site I then Save As, Rich Text Format. Websites accept this format better than
most others.
When using your website theme make sure you set preferences
to make your site as wide as possible whilst still ensuring that it will be
seen on different size monitors. I just presume that I cannot write material
that will show on a small screen.
On your theme make sure you don’t have borders taking up
On your site, make sure you have set your margins to left
and right as near to the edge as you can. All these things need to be tried out
on other monitors than yours- if you get the chance.
What works in one browser make not work on another. What fits on one screen won’t necessarily fit
on another. Some editors allow you to preview what different browsers see (e.g.
Microsoft Expression Web 4).
I have worked for many years with the – I think –best
multi-voice group in the World. But no publisher has been interested in
commissioning me to write a book about the subject. I believe that multi-voice
is a new and important form of poetry.
I have always said that Multi-voice looks good on the page as
well as on the stage. It is only now that quite a few new poetry magazines are
starting to use my multi-voice. I think it does also look good as something
visual. In the past an artist was meant to turn my multi-voice poems into
paintings for a Refugee event. Unfortunately it never happened as the organiser
became sick. I think that - surely - people
looking at multi-voice for the first time in the website will find it visually
appealing (as well as having all the usual poetic attributes).
I had been trying to put all my text in xx small but as the
expert in a previous post on my site commented, that is not always the best
way. However, it does have to be smaller than usual to fit so many columns onto
a page. This can be hard for those with bad eyesight to see but there is no way
round this that I can think of. Many themed sites have a default of large text.
When you are posting material that you have written on
Notepad or Microsoft Expression Web 4 or whatever, then you may experience the
text overflowing in one of the columns. This is usually because you need to
resize the columns. If you have numerous columns then in total you need to be
using a bit less than 100% of the width of the page. Often I spend a lot of
time changing the width of columns to fit.
It may be that you simply have too many words per line in a
column. Then you have to go back and change it to fit i.e. have shorter lines.
I also have to add hundreds of break tabs to get verses of
spoken text to fit each other (vertically aligned) on the page.
Sometimes I have had to fit additional text for comments at
the end of the page into a table. This has been because the text wanted to join
up with one of the columns. This was even though the html coding was ok. I
presume there was some conflict in the browser or in the WordPress theme. A
WordPress expert did try but was unable to solve this mystery for me.
When I put CSS (the language that adds additional effects
and styling to html) onto a post in my website it does not like
it. I will try finding a theme that does accept it. I will also try writing
with no CSS (tried it and it didn’t work).
WordPress so far has been great for everything but some
complicated multi-voice. As I understand it, WordPress themes have their own
set of CSS to set the theme up. The addition of your CSS may cause (often has
caused for me) conflicts where text does not fit and code gets shown on the
Blogger has coped with every bit of html and CSS I have
posted. I use the simplest theme possible and don’t know if that makes a
difference. I don’t know if a complicated theme would come with its own CSS
settings that would cause conflict.
Blogger and are both free and both are hosted
(so I don’t need to set up my own server etc.) so that is why I use these for
my multi-voice sites.
Tumblr is also free and is hosted but I have not yet been
able to try it out properly.
On WordPress the visual Editor is ok for prose but I need to
use the text editor (the html editor) to put in complicated poetry. I have
toured lots of different Forums. I have visited hosts of FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) sites but am still unsure about many of the most basic steps in
adding complicated text to a site.
WHAT I DO IN PRACTISE. I have a copy of the text of the poem
printed out in front of me. I then go into my files and paste into my web
editor the framework for a 2, or a 3, or a 4, or a 5, or a 6 part poem. Then below that I copy and paste the (rich
text format) text for my poem. I then work from the first column to the last
column on the right putting text in the right place and checking that lines in columns
that should be at the same height as lines in another column are at the exact
same height. My web Editor has a Design mode to check how the poem looks when
the code is applied. I also once in a while check preview browser to see how it
looks in my browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer 9).
Half of my time is spent on fitting in the text. The other
half is adding line Breaks in html. These take the text onto the next line.
Remember there is no white space in html. Sometimes I have to use ten line
breaks at a time and I just cut and paste these ten at a time.
I then check all column widths are at the optimum and occasionally
add in a 5% width at one column and take it off another column. Making sure it
all adds up to just under 100%.
When I cut and paste the code into the html view of my
website then I can see if it works or not.
Some code is seen as being out of date by different browsers
and different editors. The standards are changing as to what is acceptable in
html. So a lot of the code I write comes up as out of date on a web editor
(when using a compatibility checker) but it will work on my site. Likewise,
when you test your code in an editor you can see lots of failures but usually
they are just out of date code that at the moment still works ok on
websites. There are different error
messages for major faults like not using closing tags when needed (e.g. to stop
a style that you have been using). Editors will check both for code errors and
for html incompatibility. There is a validation site you can go to and discover
the dozens of errors you have made: that are usually just code being out of
date, “hopefully”. So I won’t give you that site in case you worry too much.
This sounds long and involved and sometimes just does not
seem to work but when it does work there is some kind of a “Wow!” feeling. Please
try and post a multi-voice poem on your own website. Start with a two
column poem that you have written. And cut and paste the html code for two
column multi-voice that is on my website: code for two to six columns has already
been shown on my WordPress site. Below I reproduce the two column code. I hope
you get the same “Wow!” feeling as me.
WEB 4.
THIS is from a previous post on my site. It relates to me
trying again to get code to work on my multi-voice sites. I then posted my
query on a Web 4 Forum
I use Microsoft Expression Web 4 (2010). I write multi-voice poetry
which requires me to write text in up to six columns.
I write multi-voice poetry at home and after work place it into Web
4. I am a total beginner in html. I believe that web 4 uses xhtml. I have had
poems work on Design mode and in preview browser mode. But then not work when
placed onto a website. Sometimes the columns over run and sometimes the initial
coding is left on display. Should I be using html5?
I contacted WordPress Forum and they could not help with this
particular problem. I presume that when the html is placed into their text
editor that it gets altered in some way. That is more or less what they told
So I have been using Blogger to place my multi-voice poems. I have
eventually managed to get all of them working apart from the multi-voice poem I
am working on now- called Roadblock.
Using similar coding-to what worked before- I get coding showing at
the top of my intended web page. I also get run on from the first column
putting text out of place. In web 4 the text does not seem to be too long in
each line.
I have all settings on Web 4 on default. i.e. 10 left and 10 right
for margins.
In Blogger I use a website with no border (to cut down on the width
I need). Also, I have it near maximum width in settings.
I alter text to xx small to allow me to get in as many columns as I
I write poetry for the most well know multi-voice group in the
World, Chromatic Voices 2.
I have tried the help user guide in web 4 but it seems to be mainly
reference for those already expert in html and CSS.
If you can give me any help to enable me to get my Web 4 poems
working on Blogger then I would of course credit you in my website. My website
is half poetry and half help for those wanting to write multi-voice poetry for
the web (there is no other site does this). I have nearly given up on placing
complicated poetry onto WordPress but I still want to use Blogger.
There are a couple of poetry sites that deal with poetry and the
web. They do not deal specifically with multi-voice but I sometimes keep them
I have a
multi-voice website. Web address is:
And at:
POST (Their fix worked for my poem Roadblock: which I posted to Blogger)
I enclose the Reply to my query on Microsoft Expression Web 4 Online
Forum 7/7/2015. Many thanks to their expert KathyW2. (The multi-voice
poem had shown great on Web 4 but changed when posted to my site)-
The font-size of your text on the page you linked is 100%. It is not
determined by anything you did, it's part of the theme styling. And, since you
have a block of style code displaying at the top of the page, clearly you can't
simply paste an in-page style block into your post.
Your blog theme styles are not in Expression Web,
so you cannot assume that what you do in EW will translate to your blog. You
would need to learn how to add additional styles to your blog, or (better) use
the ones it already has.
Font-size xxsmall is not something that is
consistent across browsers, and is too small to read. If WordPress had really
shown your text in that size, it would not have been very useful. Font sizes
should be in ems or %. But in your case, you should leave them alone and let
the blog theme styling do its job. The number of columns you get is not
determined by the font size, but by the number of floated divs you have, and
that they have widths that add up to less than 100%.
Look at the page in IE, in FireFox, and in Chrome.
You'll see some differences. For Firefox and Chrome, you have a table that
doesn't clear the preceding floats and sits up where your columns are. I can't
tell you what causes that difference - again, you are subject to the styles in
your blog theme - but you could try adding an explicit
style="clear:both" to the table element.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Radio Announcer
“La cruauté des Inyenzi
ne peut étre guérie
que par leur
totale extermination"
The cruelty of the cockroaches
can be cured
only by their total
Let the people at the
roadblocks be strong,
RTLM Radio is with you …
it follows you the
whole time while …
you are at the road-blocks,
night and day.
… that is how RTLM Radio is …
it supports our own people.
I would also ask that
each neighbourhood
try to organize itself
to do communal work,
to clear the brush,
to search houses,
beginning with those
that are abandoned,
to search the marshes
of the area to be
sure that no inyenzi,
no cockroaches, have
slipped in to
hide themselves there...
so they should
cut the brush,
search the drains
and ditches...
put up barriers and
guard them, choosing
reliable people
to do this,
who have what they need...
so that
nothing can escape them.
Fight them with
the weapons
that you have at hand.
You have arrows,
you have spears...
go after the enemy,
blood flows in their veins
as it does in yours.
All who try to
protect themselves
by sympathizing
with both sides,
they are traitors.
It is they who tell
a lot to the cockroaches,
to the enemy. It is they
whom we call accomplices.
will pay for what they have done
Hello my dear friends
and listeners,
hello to our army,
hello the whole
Rwandan population
and a particular salute
to those inhabitants
of Kigali
and elsewhere,
throughout the
whole country,
making the nightly rounds each day.
“La cruauté des Inyenzi
ne peut étre guérie
que par leur
totale extermination"
The cruelty of the cockroaches
can be cured
only by their total
Let the people at the
roadblocks be strong,
RTLM Radio is with you …
it follows you the
whole time while …
you are at the road-blocks,
night and day.
… that is how RTLM Radio is …
it supports our own people.
I would also ask that
each neighbourhood
try to organize itself
to do communal work,
to clear the brush,
to search houses,
beginning with those
that are abandoned,
to search the marshes
of the area to be
sure that no inyenzi,
no cockroaches, have
slipped in to
hide themselves there...
so they should
cut the brush,
search the drains
and ditches...
put up barriers and
guard them, choosing
reliable people
to do this,
who have what they need...
so that
nothing can escape them.
Fight them with
the weapons
that you have at hand.
You have arrows,
you have spears...
go after the enemy,
blood flows in their veins
as it does in yours.
All who try to
protect themselves
by sympathizing
with both sides,
they are traitors.
It is they who tell
a lot to the cockroaches,
to the enemy. It is they
whom we call accomplices.
will pay for what they have done
Hello my dear friends
and listeners,
hello to our army,
hello the whole
Rwandan population
and a particular salute
to those inhabitants
of Kigali
and elsewhere,
throughout the
whole country,
making the nightly rounds each day.
Nothing can escape them. The Militia are
everywhere. But, if I can get through one more road block,
I can get to the Church. I will be safe at the Church.
I pray that I may get to safety.
Oh! Please God! I am weak. I cannot
fight them.
Give me some time to pay you.
I gave my watch
and all my money to
the men at the last Road Block.
I have nothing left.
You have nothing
to fear from me.
I am your neighbour.
Hello my dear friends
Hurry! Choose! I can choose to die,
or choose to die. You are
Christians. Let me visit the Church
to pray with my Pastor. Then
you can do what you like with my body.
One final request.
Let me visit the Church.
Nothing can escape them. The Militia are
everywhere. But, if I can get through one more road block,
I can get to the Church. I will be safe at the Church.
I pray that I may get to safety.
Oh! Please God! I am weak. I cannot
fight them.
Give me some time to pay you.
I gave my watch
and all my money to
the men at the last Road Block.
I have nothing left.
You have nothing
to fear from me.
I am your neighbour.
Hello my dear friends
Hurry! Choose! I can choose to die,
or choose to die. You are
Christians. Let me visit the Church
to pray with my Pastor. Then
you can do what you like with my body.
One final request.
Let me visit the Church.
At the roadblock (1st voice)
You will pay for what you have done.
Come here Cockroach.
Take off your clothes so I can search
Give me your money, your life.
Each day, I have to listen to cockroaches like you begging for their lifes.
If you pay me well, and do your best to please me,
you will die from my bullet. If you are too mean to pay me,
then you will feel the well-used edge of my machete.
I have much work to do tonight.
Hurry! Choose!
Let you visit the Church?
Why? It is an open Grave. We worked hard there,
destroying Cockroaches like you. Young and old.
Men and women.
We don’t discriminate against anyone.
You will pay for what you have done.
Come here Cockroach.
Take off your clothes so I can search
Give me your money, your life.
Each day, I have to listen to cockroaches like you begging for their lifes.
If you pay me well, and do your best to please me,
you will die from my bullet. If you are too mean to pay me,
then you will feel the well-used edge of my machete.
I have much work to do tonight.
Hurry! Choose!
Let you visit the Church?
Why? It is an open Grave. We worked hard there,
destroying Cockroaches like you. Young and old.
Men and women.
We don’t discriminate against anyone.
At the roadblock (2nd voice)
You will pay for what you have done.
Come here Cockroach.
Take off your clothes so I can search
Give me your life, your money.
We don’t discriminate against anyone.
All are included.
The cruelty of the cockroaches
can be cured
only by their total extermination.
You will pay for what you have done.
Come here Cockroach.
Take off your clothes so I can search
Give me your life, your money.
We don’t discriminate against anyone.
All are included.
The cruelty of the cockroaches
can be cured
only by their total extermination.
Before the Poem properly starts, all the voices (apart from Victoria) loudly chant "Pawa, Pawa" ten times. This starts as a single voice whisper but gets louder and louder as more people join in. "Pawa" means power and in this context, Hutu power. It was a chant used by the militias. The original line (which was broadcast in French) “La cruauté des Inyenzi …”can be read through once after the chant and before the English translation starts the main body of the Poem. Road Block is a Multi-voice Poem. Words / Phrases that are underlined are to be be read at the same time. So, up to three voices may be reading at the same time. The Radio Announcer part in the above Poem uses translations of the actual words used by Radio Rwanda and Radio Télévision Libre Mille-Collines during the events of 1994. Voice 1 and Voice 2 wear the black, yellow, and red neck kerchiefs and hats of the Impuzamugambi Militia. Ashby McGowan. 2008. |
writing Multi-voice poetry
Chromatic Voices 2 Live
at Seeds of Thought
(performing, Poems Against War.)
to part 2 (which contains my poem Roadblock: featured in my next post)
A recently
filmed poem about Humanity, Equality, and Dignity.
As you know I have been unable to post quite a few multi-voice poems onto WordPress-as the settings go astray and I see code at the top of the page. I have mainly been using Blogger with which I get no difficulties with Code. I enclose the Reply to my query on Microsoft Expression Web 4 Online Forum 7/7/2015. Many thanks to their expert KathyW2. (The multi-voice poem had shown great on Web 4 but changed when posted to my site)-
font-size of your text on the page you linked is 100%. It is not determined by
anything you did, it's part of the theme styling. And, since you have a block
of style code displaying at the top of the page, clearly you can't simply paste
an in-page style block into your post.
blog theme styles are not in Expression Web, so you cannot assume that what you
do in EW will translate to your blog. You would need to learn how to add
additional styles to your blog, or (better) use the ones it already has.
xxsmall is not something that is consistent across browsers, and is too small
to read. If WordPress had really shown your text in that size, it would not
have been very useful. Font sizes should be in ems or %. But in your case, you
should leave them alone and let the blog theme styling do its job. The number
of columns you get is not determined by the font size, but by the number of
floated divs you have, and that they have widths that add up to less than 100%.
Look at the page in IE, in FireFox, and in Chrome.
You'll see some differences. For Firefox and Chrome, you have a table that
doesn't clear the preceding floats and sits up where your columns are. I can't
tell you what causes that difference - again, you are subject to the styles in
your blog theme - but you could try adding an explicit style="clear:both"
to the table element.
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