At the end
of the previous Post, I set myself the challenge of finding a way to put more
than one page (or one screen shot) into a Post-in order to replicate a two page
multi-voice poem. To try and get one page under another for print screen shots
I have done the following (plus follow the instructions for the “print screen”
command article I recently wrote). Again, it does matter what browser you are
using. Google Chrome is a trusted browser.
There are (at
least) two different ways to try.
The first is
to put your two picture files into the picture folder for your website host Picture
Gallery and then insert them from there into your post or page. Make them as
big as possible so you can see the text clearly. Have them as near as possible vertically-so
there is no space between the two pictures. And have them fitting for size and
text alignment. Theoretically this should be easier than working with
html and css.
The other is
to put both picture files into a photo or web editor and line them up there. I
have tried lots of different editors to do this. One that added the pictures
nicely for me was Microsoft Word when opened as a Blog post. I didn’t even know
it could do that. Oh, and Microsoft Expression Web 4 also worked. Many did not
work for me but that may have been my lack of experience in using them. So, I
will try and place my two page poem Roadblock onto all my multi-voice
sites using whichever method works (if any).
This is the
method I used for Microsoft Expression Web 4 (use whatever web editor works for
you): I obtained one screen shot of each of the two pages of my multi-voice
poem Roadblock. I opened a new Microsoft Word file and pasted in the
screen shot. I clicked on the screen shot illustration to pick it then: Save
As Picture. Save this as a PNG
(portable network graphics) photo file. This is a good quality format. I have
then clicked on this file (to pick it) and Opened With [an option given]
Serif PhotoPlus X5. I cropped this till only the poem and none of the extraneous
bits were showing. I saved this as a PNG file (but there are other options too).
I then opened Microsoft Expression Web 4 (you use whatever html editor you use)
and changed the title in the html heading to Roadblock. I then went to Insert
and then Picture and then File. I found both and entered page 1
then below it page 2 in the body section of the html. When I go to Design view
it seems to have placed the two pages as near as they can be. I have just to
place the poem into my Websites.
Always be
tidy and use a separate folder in My Documents for when you are using the
screen shot command. It keeps everything together.
Addendum: I
have just seen these instructions which are useful for just capturing the
active screen (cutting out any extraneous bits):
[This is very useful and I will be using these bits of advise.]
this tells you about some limitations:
And this
that I have not tried yet: (free
print screen capture software that claims to be excellent).
Since I
wrote the above I have put two Roadblock picture files in the WordPress Picture
Gallery. I tried many times to get the two files to line up correctly-same size
and aligned vertically. When I eventually did get it working in Preview, I
Published this. Annoyingly the two pictures moved away from each other when
Published. I had to Trash the Post. This happens a lot for me. I get things all
aligned in WordPress Preview and then they drift apart when Published. So my
one picture poem worked ok on WordPress but not my two picture poem. I have
also found that when you change Theme that it can change the alignment of
complicated text: although some experts told me this would not happen. So I am
wary about changing Themes.
I was able
to load the two picture files and manoeuvre them properly on Blogger. I have
Published this.
I have also tried
to use the method where you put the picture files into a picture or web editor
and Post them directly to your Website. This never worked for WordPress. I will
now try it for Blogger.
One last
tip. I like photography and often take pictures of Nature. These are useful for
adding to Websites. Pictures you take can also be altered in a Paint package or
used directly as background.
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