Monday, 29 June 2015

Multi-voice poetry and placing it on your website.



I posted this extract below, quite recently, on the Via Negativa site (this site deals with posts about how to write and format poetry on your website):


As an html total beginner I got a WordPress expert to help me write multi-voice in up to six columns (in my website). However, when I tried to write very small text to allow me to put text into these narrow columns then it did not work in WordPress. I tried the poems that worked in Microsoft Expressions Web 4 but none worked in WordPress. Another WordPress expert kindly gave me some code but nothing seemed to work on WordPress. I presume the WordPress text editor alters the CSS or html? Anyway, after two weeks of trying (CSS and html) I gave up and have added a new multi-voice site created on Blogger where the small text columns (using the additional WordPress coding) work fine:


My multi-voice poem Ripples has just been printed as a foldout in the very fine new poetry magazine, Raum. The paper and the design are First Class. Worth looking at. Here is their website:



My multi-voice poem Many Different Animals is due to be used in the Wild Issue of DUPE magazine. Their website is:



Please Share my own multi-voice site if you think it any good. I am grateful to the many websites that have already mentioned my multi-voice poetry website. Thanks to them. They are:




A pro-vegetarian WordPress site:   Website called, Year of Lamb.



A site dealing with the use of poetry in Education:

Facing Canada website. Article entitled: Finding your Voice: using slam poetry to explore human rights. I am in as a comment.



Canadian Lawyer website, Article on The poetry of human rights. In as a comment.



Tweetspeak website, article called: The unofficially official list of top poetry websites. In as a comment                                     


If you like any of the multi-voice poems that I write or that Chromatic Voices 2 perform, then please try and write a two or three part multi-voice poem yourself. Or with friends rehearse and perform one of the poems on my website. I genuinely would like to see new MV poetry groups springing up around the World. Multi-voice is a technique that allows subtlety and complexity. It can be used in many different ways. Next time you are inspired to write a poem, try imagining a second or third voice and how it would take part in the poem. By take part I mean how it would be useful in terms of meaning and action. And how it would interact in terms of the voices acting for or against each other.

Consider how you would blend the voices, the actions, the meaning, and the emotions that make up this “theatrical” poem.

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